Went to the Temple Mount and walked around the Al Aqsa Mosque. There were many activities happening within the walls of the Temple Mount. Numerous games such as soccer and volleyball, as well as students studying at the religious school.
Walked down into The Kidron Valley. More on this later.
The city was alive with activity today. There were numerous sports events happening, and I watched an older Jewish man school some young guys in soccer. There were also many bar mitzvahs, which were individual celebratory concerts in their own respect.
There are so many cats in Israel!
They're almost as numerous as squirrels in the United States.
I was on the city bus and looked out the window just in time to see a sign for Calvary Baptist Church! I quickly pushed the button to get off, and walked around the area in search of the church. Since it was a church that operated out of a home, it was very difficult to find. After talking with a couple of old ladies, I found it, became connected with the pastor, and went to services later that night. There are so many stories associated with these few hours; to summarize, I have been amazed by the church in Jerusalem. I'll blog more about this topic tomorrow.