Thursday, December 11, 2014

Job vs. Calling

job 1 |jäb|

1 a paid position of regular employment.

Throughout my life, I have had a plethora of jobs...
Newspaper delivery specialist,
Working with the mentally challenged,
Armored truck driver,
Youth pastor,
... and the list goes on and on.

Each of these jobs have given me many different tasks...
Greet guests within 30 seconds of them sitting down,
Work with local governments to rebuild war torn countries,
Don't throw the newspaper on the sidewalk, put it between the screen door and the front door,
Tell a woman that her son was killed by a grenade,
Clean the urine off the walls because little boys miss the toilet,
Watch this person closely because he hits people,
Deliver $250,000 to a downtown bank,
Talk to parents about their child using drugs,
...and again, the list goes on and on.

And yet, throughout my life, I have had very few callings.  What am I on earth to do?  If I had to look back in 50 years, would I be content with the impact I have made?  Am I giving my all to the One who gave His all for me?

Francis Chan recently wrote an article about his marriage in the light of eternity.  While he only talks about marriage, it seems logical to apply the truths he shares to every aspect of my life.  I wrote a blog post a while back called Priorities in Ministry, which I outlined many things that Francis had said.  I received positive and negative feedback from that post.  It's amazing to me that some people continue to frantically grasp at this "American Dream" and refuse to think long-term, eternal thoughts.

I want to say, at the end of my life, that I accomplished the purposes of God.