Tuesday, November 29, 2005

actively plotting (part 3 of 3)

This is my last post on predestination and the free-will of man. Some of the following information is my own, and the rest from various authors (Charles C. Ryrie and Neil T. Anderson).

From my own research, I have found that the Bible seems to say more about the will of God than man's will, and what it does say is unsystematic. But the bottom line is that a believer can will to do what is right or what is wrong. His decisions are not made for him already (Rom 7:15-25, 1st Tim 6:9-10, James 4:4).

As Christians, we are no longer in the flesh; we are in Christ. We are no longer independent of God; we have declared our dependence upon Him by placing our faith in Christ. But even though we are not in the flesh, we may still choose to walk according to the flesh (Romans 8:12,13). Whether we continue to live according to Christ or our flesh, the result is the same: we will reap what we sow (Gal 6:7).

THINK: The idea that man doesn't have a free will is centered around one major deception. We all know that our adversary is Satan, the god of this world. We must remember that it is not God who hardens the hearts of unbelievers, but Satan himself (2nd Cor 3:14, 4:4). Paul states that Satan is actively plotting to defeat and divide believers as well (2nd Cor 11:3, 2:11).

If Satan can place his thought in your mind-and he can- it isn't much more of a trick for him to make you think it's your thought. That's the deception.

Walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh
~Galatians 5:16

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
~Romans 12:2

1 comment:

Jeanna said...

You have really gotten me thinking on this topic...it's amazing how much thought can spawn off of one small conversation standing outside in the cold on an Sunday night...